But building out a successful contract desk hasn’t come without its challenges…
“If I’m honest, I was apprehensive about coming on board to start a brand-new desk up. It’s definitely harder than what I was doing before, and I’ve been out of the game for so long so I worried I would be rusty. I knew starting on a cold desk would be really challenging, and the first few months certainly were. I found myself questioning my ability and thinking ‘Can I really do this?’, but in all honestly I think that’s only natural. I knew it would take some time to find my feet, so I kept pushing and putting the work in, and I’m seeing the results now because of this. Every recruiter will tell you that finding that ability to persevere and keep carrying on is what will enable you to start seeing success, but I also owe a lot to our internal team. The level of support and training I’ve had from our managers and from our L&D specialist Nathan has really helped me get to where I am now.”