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2022: The Year We Raised the Bar

For Heat, 2022 was a year of many firsts…

We entered the year with a plan to ‘raise the bar’ and enter a new era for Heat, and this mantra has driven our thinking throughout the year. From opening our Manchester office and then swiftly outgrowing it, to breaking numerous company records and seeing 17 qualifiers for our High-Performance Club for the latter part of the year. When we look back at where we were in December 2021, it would have been impossible to anticipate the months ahead and how far we would come.

At the end of December, we finally celebrated a ground-breaking year for the business with our first in-person End of Year awards ceremony since 2019. This was an opportunity to reflect on all of the strides we took in 2022, and to give recognition to the individuals who contributed to this success and raised the bar on a personal basis across the year. Read on for our Heat round-up for 2022.


Work for us

Top New Business Developer – Ellie Marshall

Going into 2023, we are more focused than ever on forming and developing new business relationships. As such, this award will likely become more and more competitive to win. Our winner for Top New Business Developer for 2022 has a wealth of accolades to her name, but to name a few:

  • She was promoted to manager and given the opportunity to support and develop a team of four new consultants.
  • She has placed over 40 candidates this year into new roles.
  • Of these, she has secured 5 partners offers at top 100 law firms.
  • She travelled on a high-performance trip to Edinburgh, and has been taken on top billers’ lunches, completed the tough mudder, and has won the Heat Hero award more than once.

A huge congratulations to the winner of this award, Ellie Marshall.

Division of the Year – Heat Legal

As always, the competition for division of the year was a tough one. But, with numerous records broken, and seeing the greatest success in terms of their work and their awards won, the winner of Heat Division of the Year for 2022, and for the third consecutive year, is Heat Legal.

Manager of the Year – Hollie Thomas

Throughout 2021 and 2022 we have made a concerted effort to grow our leaders across the business, and as such the competition for this award has been fierce. We have had a number of individuals leading from the front this year and delivering incredible personal performances alongside their teams.

But, away from the sales floor, there are managers who excel at the dark arts and oversee departments that help all of us deliver the results that steal the headlines. This individual has been one of the constants at Heat Recruitment for quite some time and their influence has only continued to grow. Their candor and honesty are what makes this person special.

Not only are they manager of the year, but we are also immensely proud to announce that this individual will also be promoted to HR Director. Congratulations to Hollie Thomas, the winner of Manager of the Year.


The Freddie Pring Award for Excellence – Ashley Wilson

The Freddie Pring Award for excellence is always awarded to someone who is in their first year at Heat and this, a year with so many recruiters having joined the business with such a great impact had by so many, it really wasn’t easy to stand out from the crowd.

The winner of this award is an individual who goes about this business quietly, works incredibly hard, and provides an unbelievably high level of service to their candidates which can be seen in some of the reviews they have online.

Always smiling and always approachable, I am sure he will be leading the way within his team in 2023.

Not only does he win the Freddie Pring Award for Excellence he will also be promoted to Principal Recruitment Consultant. Congratulations to Ashley Wilson, the winner of Freddie Pring Award for Excellence.



Top Biller – Ryan Plummer

The Top Biller has always been the pinnacle of the awards at Heat Recruitment. This is the individual who has sent the most invoices over a calendar year and this year has seen this individual achieve an incredible feat that few others achieve in their careers.

Amazingly, this is the first time this individual has won this award despite how many awards he has won over previous years. He humbly goes about his business keeping his deals quiet until the last possible moment, is a true Heat Recruitment legend, and a man who I believe is only just getting started.

Congratulations to Ryan Plummer, our 2022 Top Biller.


Heat’s Ultimate Hero – Nathan Tanner

Throughout the year, we have celebrated the achievements of individuals within Heat who have gone above and beyond with our monthly Heat Hero awards. For December, we decided we wanted to present one award to an individual who, over the course of the entire year, has excelled time and time again and shown our values in everything they do. Here are just a few of the nominations that he received:

“He embodies every aspect of Heat’s values and works above and beyond for candidates and clients. He is an amazing member of the team who is always willing to help others and will go very far.”

“Infectious positivity, always involved in every charitable thing he can possibly be involved in and had a great year recruiting to boot. He’s an absolutely great bloke.”

“He is always willing to share his knowledge with the rest of the team but also is so humble and not above asking for help himself. He excels, not only as a colleague but as a person. He is possibly the nicest man I’ve ever met. Always putting others before himself and going the extra mile to make others smile.”

A huge congratulations to our Ultimate Hero for 2022, Nathan Tanner.


With all of these achievements to celebrate, we are even more excited about what 2023 has in store for us. We are looking forward to an even bigger and better year as we continue to raise the bar.