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Our Heat Heroes for February 2023

We’re pleased to be announcing our Heat Heroes for February 2023.

In another challenging month in the hiring market, we are thrilled to be rewarding 3 individuals within the business who have received nominations due to their grit and resilience, determination to go above and beyond, and make the daily lives of their colleagues that bit better.

So, without further ado, we’re proud to introduce our February Heat Hero and runners-up.


Runner Up: Jemma Smith

This individual come into the new year determined to absolutely smash it and has done just that. Her colleagues have said that she is ‘always putting in the graft and going above and beyond’, is ‘genuinely dedicated to her role’, and ‘is such a fun person to be around’. She is someone who is all about ‘making results happen, rather than just waiting for them to happen.’ February ‘has been her month’, and she’s been seeing real success on the Public Sector desk.

Congratulations to Jemma Smith!


Runner Up: Hattie Tilley

Hattie has been nominated as she is ‘such a positive person all the time and really self-evaluates her work on a daily basis.’ She ‘always strives to be better and brings so much fun to the desk.’ Equally, Hattie ‘takes feedback on board really well and I just love having her on the Legal desk.’ One colleague has stated that she is ‘just getting started on what I’m confident will be a really successful year!’

Congratulations to Hattie Tilley!


February Winner: Steph Bowers

Our winner for February has had a number of obstacles to overcome this quarter, but has ‘battled through them’ and still managed to come out on top of the league tables and smash targets. She has an excellent attitude and has displayed resilience and drive to push the Sales division forward.

Huge congratulations to our winner for February 2023, Steph Bowers!


We’ll be announcing our next round of Heat Heroes next month. Watch this space!


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