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Heat Heroes for March 2022

Heat Heroes returns for March, as we announce our 3 winners for the month. In this month alone, we had 44 nominations submitted, adding up to an incredible 124 nominations across the first quarter of the year. We’re thrilled with the company-wide buy in and success of this initiative, which evidences everyone’s desire to celebrate the achievements of their colleagues.

With so many nominations, it was a challenge to pick just 3 winners, but after careful consideration of their colleagues’ comments, we have managed to select our Heat Heroes for the month. They are as follows:

3rd Place:

This person was nominated because of their excellent work ethic: they always have a can-do attitude and hearing them on the phone speaking about Heat to people is a real joy. They work seamlessly with the Operations Team to obtain the right results, work hard to hit targets and have had a real impact on the team. They are a positive person who has had to learn a lot very quickly, and their hard work is really starting to pay off. Congratulations to our 3rd place Heat Hero, Claudia Sealey!

2nd Place:

In 2nd place, this person has had an absolutely amazing quarter, smashed their targets and has really taken a huge step forward. They work so hard and have a genuine passion for putting the candidate first and helping everyone else succeed, whether that be candidate, client or colleague. They epitomise all of the values Heat looks for in a consultant and they are always happy to help others. Well done to our 2nd place Heat Hero, Chris Bratchel!

1st Place:

Our first place Heat Hero for this month was an absolute landslide victory, with 10 votes and some fabulous comments. They are always happy to help, give advice, support, look out for other people in the business and encourage them. They have been able to handle lots of different projects including hosting a training session with our managing consultants which received fantastic feedback, being able to generate and attract plenty of new starters to join the business and played a huge part in organizing the Heat Retreat incentive trip and ensuring everyone had a fantastic time. They have also implemented the open day and assessment process, a new innovation for Heat, which has already yielded great results. They handle all of these projects and, in spite of being so busy, never seem to get flustered! They are committed to levelling Heat up as a business, operate with all of Heat’s values and they are the perfect person to represent the business. A huge congratulations to our well-deserved Heat Hero for March, Emily Coughtrie!


A huge congratulations and a thank you to all of our winners for going above and beyond to make Heat a brilliant place to work and for setting the bar so high. We will be celebrating our next set of Heat Heroes at the end of April watch this space!

If you’d like to discuss career opportunities with Heat Recruitment, please get in touch with Emily Coughtrie or Claudia Sealey today.