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How to Keep Your Hiring Process Active Over Summer

The summer period is typically considered a slower period for many businesses, with the combination of holidays being taken and schools being closed creating a disjointed work environment for many…

This can have a particular knock-on effect on hiring processes, which often require multiple interview stages and the sign-off of multiple parties to progress. The logistical challenge that this represents can often result in hiring over the summer season stalling to a halt, meaning that positions remain unfilled for longer, teams fall behind on their workload, and hires take longer to get up and running, meaning the impact of the summer season will be felt long into the autumn period.

We’ve shared some tips below on how to combat the summer stalling and keep your hiring process moving through the season.


Plan ahead

The key to keeping processes active and running as smoothly as possible over the summer holiday period is good planning; creating a clearly set out hiring plan that has identified the areas where hiring is needed, which positions need to be filled most urgently, and includes ideal-world timelines is the best way to manage this. Ideally, you will have planned ahead of the holiday period in order to counter any disruption, but it’s not the end of the world if you haven’t. Having a plan in place ensures that the entire hiring team or parties that are likely to be involved in the process will be aligned and aware of the goals and timelines set out, even if they’re dipping in and out of it.


Remain flexible & empathetic

Not only will the slowdown of business have an impact on hiring teams themselves, but also on the talent that they’re looking to hire. It’s important to be sensitive to the shifting priorities and schedules that some working parents may be up against as a result of the summer holidays. This may mean that some candidates are less readily available, but this shouldn’t be a blot against their character. If you can aim to be as flexible as possible with your interview process and requirements, this will allow you to get further in the process and allow you to find the talent you need more quickly.


Utilise technology

A great way to get around the logistical issues that get in the way of hiring during the summer period is to lean on the tech available. Whilst it is understandable to want to meet a prospective candidate in person at some point, a first-stage interview can certainly be conducted online via a video calling platform, meaning you can get the bulk of the information and details about an applicant’s experience and suitability for the role regardless of their location, time, or care-giving constraints. This is equally as true if there are multiple interviewers who are unable to be in the office at certain periods; lean on the existing technology you have to keep the process moving, even if not everyone can be as readily available as usual.


Communication is key

Even with the best of intentions, sometimes the hiring process will have to slow or halt over the coming months. This stop-and-start sensation is frustrating for all parties, but it’s sometimes simply unavoidable. The most crucial thing is to communicate. If a role is put on hold, or an interview needs to be pushed back, or even if you aren’t sure what the next steps are, it’s important to communicate this to prospective hires and parties within the process. Otherwise, you risk frustrating prospective hires, and they won’t then be interested in joining you in the near future.

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