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Our Heat Heroes for April 2023

As the first month of the new quarter draws to a close, we are thrilled to be rewarding 3 individuals within the business who have received nominations due to their grit and resilience, and their determination to go above and beyond and make the daily lives of their colleagues that bit better.

So, without further ado, we’re proud to introduce our April Heat Heroes…


Runner Up: Kat Keir

This person has been nominated as she “did a great job covering for Sam whilst has was away on Paternity” and produced some incredible content to some very tight deadlines. She has also delivered some amazing training sessions for consultants, brought back Heat’s Healthy Lunch Club and is organising a number of upcoming charity events. She has been described as “always happy to help with anything and come up with new ideas.”

Congratulations to Kat Keir!


Runner Up: Chris Bratchel

Our next runner-up for April is someone who is always happy to help or listen and has been described as “one of the nicest guys I have had the pleasure of meeting”, who is always available to support everyone within the business. He delivered a fantastic training session this month, and is a “great ambassador for the business.”

Congratulations to Chris Bratchel!


April Winner: Valerie Baranova

Our winner for April is always doing extra hours starting early and finishing late and always smiling, spends so much time looking at ways she can improve, is confident and thinks outside the box, and her recent promotion is a true reflection of the hard work she has put in.

Congratulations to our winner for April 2023, Valerie Baranova!


We’ll be announcing our next round of Heat Heroes next month. Watch this space!

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